TAC’s Technology Council seeks members for new committees

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Get involved!

TAC’s Technology Council was created in 2020 as a place for TAC volunteers to explore emerging technologies, share information, and develop guidance for Canada’s transportation sector. To build its volunteer capacity, the Council recently created two new committees:

  • The Digital Applications Committee will share information, identify best practices and develop guidance related to big data, transportation analytics, digital twins, high-resolution maps and other emerging areas of interest. Committee members will also build relationships and coordinate efforts with other TAC councils and committees around asset management, 3D plan delivery, traffic operations, road safety, mobility services, and transportation system planning and simulation.
  • The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Committee will share information and best practices related to ITS program planning and deployment by transportation agencies, and will support knowledge creation around digital infrastructure, cybersecurity and transportation management centres. The committee will also coordinate with other TAC councils and committees around ITS applications for road safety, traffic management and traveller information, and support stronger communications between TAC and ITS Canada.

Any employee of a TAC member organization can join these committees, which will meet several times a year and conduct most of their business online. Contact us to be added to a roster, or to ask a question.

Note that each committee also needs volunteers to become Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. These Executive roles are a great opportunity to practice leadership skills, build your network, and give back to the profession. Let us know if you’re interested.

And if technology isn’t your thing, remember that TAC has five other councils and 20 other committees you can join. For more information, see TAC’s website.


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