About TACStrategic Plan

Strategic Plan

TAC’s strategic plan guides our work. The Board of Directors reviews the plan regularly to ensure it reflects current priorities for the Association and in the transportation sector.


Transportation that makes Canada safe, healthy and prosperous.


Working together to share ideas, build knowledge, promote best practices, foster leadership, and encourage bold transportation solutions.

Strategic Priorities guide TAC’s ongoing operations and new initiatives.

Collaborate and Communicate


To provide a neutral forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of technical transportation issues.

Build Knowledge


To develop references and tools, including guidelines and syntheses of practices, to address research and practical needs in the highway, road and urban transportation sectors.

Disseminate Information


To be the preeminent source of transportation materials for Canadian practitioners.

Develop Our People


To foster leadership and contribute to the availability and technical currency of transportation professionals in Canada.

Manage Effectively, Now and for the Future


To ensure the sustainability of the Association, with respect to finances, membership, volunteers and staff.