New Snow Removal Guide in the TAC Bookstore

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has just released the Snow Removal Equipment Visibility Guide (2015) in the TAC Bookstore.

The guide, offered at $39 for TAC members and $49 for non-members (order code PTM-SREVG-E), provides information, analysis and testing to assist road authorities and winter maintenance service providers to make their snow removal equipment as visible as possible. Read the table of contents. 

It is hoped that establishing guidelines for this purpose will provide increased consistency in the appearance of snowplows and other snow removal equipment across Canada. Increased visibility of and consistency in the appearance of this equipment will enhance motorists’ ability to detect, recognize and respond to snowplows which will, in turn, increase road safety. 


Across Canada, and even within many jurisdictions, there are many different snowplow configurations with respect to signing, lighting, colour, shape and size. The lack of consistency makes it even more challenging for drivers to correctly identify a snowplow and respond appropriately. Uncertainty, slow response and inappropriate driver reactions can lead to collisions.

Snowplows operate in some of the most adverse winter driving conditions while clearing the roads of snow and ice for the safety of the motoring public. The efficient detection and recognition of snowplows is critical in helping motorists to respond appropriately to these vehicles, for the safety of all road users.

The guide is available in both print and e-book formats.




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