Developing Quieter Concrete Pavements

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) is conducting research to develop quieter concrete pavements to better serve the transportation community. This effort involves standardization of tire/pavement noise assessment; establishment of acoustic performance curves for existing surfaces; development of new surface textures through a laboratory test program; a field validation program; and an implementation phase. The acoustic performance of pavement surfaces needs to consider the characteristics throughout the pavements service life and not just the as-constructed condition, or the nearly new pavement conditions. Longitudinally tined , astro-turf drag textures, and diamond grinding provide the quietest new construction techniques, while diamond grinding provides the quietest rehabilitation strategy. Most loud concrete pavements have been constructed using transverse tining. The development of new surface textures requires the ability to easily modify surface characteristics and to readily evaluate their impact on acoustic performance. To accomplish this, the ACPA has contracted with Purdue University to conduct laboratory testing using the Purdue Tire Pavement Test Apparatus (TPTA). The TPTA provides efficient evaluation of any surface that can be cast or formed. Efforts to date have focused on development of quieter diamond ground surfaces through alteration of the blade size, spacer arrangements, and by controlling fin profile. The research presented in this paper is concerned primarily with exterior vehicle noise. Although both interior and exterior noise is important to the consumer, most agency regulations involve only exterior noise and as such this is the focus of the current research.


Scofield, L
Smith, T.J

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Maintenance & Construction Standing Committee
Soils and Materials Standing Committee





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