Invasive Species Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure

Mardi, 21 Décembre, 2021 - 18:45

Invasive species present a significant threat not just to ecosystems, but also to our nation’s infrastructure, the economy, and cultural resources. Recently the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) has brought attention to the impact invasive species have on federal infrastructure. This is an issue that is not well documented or understood. However, roadside managers have long known that invasive species cause significant and costly impacts to roadway infrastructure, operations, and safety. Roadsides consist of disturbed land that is typically dominated by invasive species when controls are not in place. Because these non-native species have no natural predators or biological control, they proliferate quickly and aggressively costing the State Departments of Transportation millions of dollars each year in maintenance and repairs. These invasive species require extensive management in order to maintain the life of roadway infrastructure and to maintain the safety and operations of roadway. The maintenance task of addressing weeds listed as noxious by State or Federal agencies is daunting and costly in itself, but add to it the species that need to be controlled due to their impacts to roadway facilities and operations, and the cost and task is even more overwhelming. This report highlights some of the significant impacts invasive species have on transportation infrastructure and operations. The report is available online from the US Federal Highway Administration web site at


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