Life Cycle Cost Analysis Considerations in Pavement Type Selection in Red Deer and Construction Challenges

In 2016 The City of Red Deer issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete intersection/roadway
improvements and upgrading of the 67 Street and Johnstone Drive intersection and the 66 Street and Orr Drive intersection. The RFP contained alternative bid options for asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete (PCC). Pavement type selection is one of the most challenging decisions for municipalities. Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) as a part of the alternative bid process allows for a better understanding of the true costs of a roadway as opposed to considering only an initial cost of the pavement. The equivalent pavement structures were compared in terms of their Net Present Value. This LCCA approach provided the initial construction costs for each pavement structure and the costs of future maintenance and rehabilitation. Based on the LCCA, the concrete option was selected; the initial construction costs were comparable for both options but the preservation costs over the life cycle were significantly lower for the PCC. The selection process is described in detail and the challenges of traffic accommodation and construction at the busy intersection are discussed.


Czarnecki, B.
Bouteillier, C.
Gustafson, W.

Titre de la séance

Investing in Road Construction: Building Canada’s Economy Session


Comité permanent de l'entretien et de la construction


Entretien et construction







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