Everyday mobility and travel activities during the first years of retirement

Jeudi, 31 Mars, 2016 - 16:00

Mobility is central to living an independent life, to participating in society, and to maintaining well-being in later life. The point of departure in this thesis is that retirement implies changes in time-space use and interruption in routines, which influence demands and preconditions for mobility in different ways.  The aim of this thesis is to explore mobility strategies and changes in mobility upon retirement and how mobility develops during the first years of retirement. A further aim is to provide knowledge of the extent to which newly retired people maintain a desired mobility based on their needs and preconditions. The thesis is empirically based on travel diaries kept by newly retired people, and qualitative interviews with the same persons, and follow-up interviews three and a half years later.  The full report is available through VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, at http://vti.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A912412&dswid=6827


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