What’s HappeningNews2023 TAC Conference & Exhibition Data and Survey Highlights

2023 TAC Conference & Exhibition Data and Survey Highlights

November 2, 2023

This year’s event shattered records with a remarkable turnout of over 1,450 registered delegates, marking a significant increase of 250 participants compared to 2022. The exhibition showcased over 80 companies, an impressive rise of 18 exhibitors compared to the previous year. Additionally, the conference featured an extensive program, offering 113 technical sessions, panels, and workshops across multiple tracks, an increase of 26 compared to last year. While the number of technical tours decreased by one from the previous year, it’s important to note that some tours were offered multiple times, providing attendees with lots of opportunities to explore.

24% of people who registered for the conference were 35 years old or younger – reaffirming that efforts to include and engage young professionals are paying off. 43% of attendees were from private sector businesses; 17% from municipalities; 17% from federal or provincial departments of transportation; and 5% were from other types of TAC member organization; the remaining 12% of conference attendees were non-members.

Read the wrap-up article for highlights, the link to the live-streamed events, the conference recap video, and more!

Recordings of the conference technical sessions are also available. If you’d like to purchase the 2023 TAC Conference & Exhibition session recordings, visit the TAC Store. Access to the recordings on the conference event portal continues until the end of March 2024.

Highlights from the 2023 Attendee Survey

Response rate: 24% or 340 responses

Conference attendees were encouraged to provide feedback through an online survey.

Attendees enjoyed their participation at the 2023 TAC Conference & Exhibition, yielding an average score of 8.3/10 for their overall experience.

Survey Feedback and Improvement Strategies

The conference received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with most respondents providing ratings of either Excellent or Good.

The most positively rated aspects of the conference were the technical sessions, onsite badge pickup, and the exhibition and networking opportunities.

Many respondents also took the time to provide written comments, and key points that we are keen to address include:

  • Technical Tour Logistics: Due to unforeseen circumstances, there were registration and cancellation challenges for the conference’s technical tours, despite their popularity. TAC will explore solutions to streamline related processes to provide an improved participant experience. We know attendees enjoy tours that involve walking and cycling and will work with the local organizing committee to offer as many tours that use active transportation, as possible.
  • Plenary Panel Discussions: Constructive feedback highlighted some challenges around panel discussions held during the plenaries in the ballroom. We will consider the value of holding panel discussions in front of such a large audience, and ensure that if/when they proceed, the topic is clear, and there are interactive elements to involve participants.
  • Optimizing Exhibit Space: The exhibition experience varies each year based on the unique city and venue. Having the exhibitors split into two spaces was met with mixed reviews. Looking ahead to the 2024 TAC Conference & Exhibition in Vancouver, we’re pleased to announce that the booths will be located together in a single hall.
  • Communications: It was the first year with a new App/Platform supplier, so some of the features were unfamiliar or can be improved for next year. Also, although respondents indicated the email communications were helpful, those who were not only attendees but also presenters or booth staff can feel overwhelmed. We’ll work to tailor and time communications to better consider the multiple roles.

As an organization dedicated to continuous improvement and fostering excellence within the transportation industry, TAC greatly values the feedback received from our 2023 TAC Conference & Exhibition Attendee feedback survey.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey!

The survey feedback is already being used to inform planning for the 2024 TAC Conference & Exhibition being held in Vancouver, September 22-25. Information about the event, including the Call to be considered to present as part of a conference technical session, will be posted soon on www.tac-atc.ca. Registration for delegates opens in spring 2024.