Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsPRIMER: Highway Asset Management Systems (1999)

PRIMER: Highway Asset Management Systems (1999)

TAC’s primer on highway asset management systems introduces the concepts of asset management, outlines the potential benefits and describes how to successfully plan and implement an asset management system. Managing highway assets is not a new concept; highway agencies have been using pavement, bridge and maintenance management systems for decades. What sets asset management systems apart today is the move to merge these single-asset management systems into an integrated whole. Asset management is a comprehensive process that allocates funds effectively and efficiently among competing pavement, structure and other infrastructure needs.

This document will be of interest to all government transportation and finance departments at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, as well as academics, associations and private sector firms who have an interest in asset management systems and procedures.

Disponible en français : NOTIONS ÉLÉMENTAIRES : Les systèmes de gestion des éléments d’actif routiers : notions fondamentales (1999)


Topic:Asset management
Focus Area:Infrastructure and Asset Management
Publication code: PRM-ASSETMGMT
Pages: 32
Publication year: 1999
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Primer
Publication date: January 1, 1999
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00