Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsBest Practice Guidelines for the Design and Application of Transverse Rumble Strips (2005)

Best Practice Guidelines for the Design and Application of Transverse Rumble Strips (2005)

Rumble strips are raised or grooved patterns installed on the road surface to provide an auditory warning (rumbling sound) and a physical vibration to alert drivers that they are leaving the travel lane.

Transverse rumble strips (TRS) are used to warn drivers of an imminent and unusual change in the driving environment that requires greater driver awareness, such as approaches to stop controlled intersections, roundabouts, work zones, etc.

This report addressed an identified need for cohesive guidelines that could be applied on a national level, and :

  • Describes the background knowledge about the use of TRS in North America and the United Kingdom;
  • Guides the user through a network level screening for the identification of candidate sites for the installation of TRS treatments;
  • Focuses on the selected site assessment process, design configurations, installation, maintenance, environmental impact and costs of permanent TRS installations;
  • Summarizes the key findings and provides conclusions; and
  • Provides appendices offering the survey questions and summary of results, findings from the literature review and design configurations from different agencies.

Disponible en français : Lignes directrices sur les bonnes pratiques de conception et de mise en place de bandes d’alerte transversales (2005)


Topic:Geometric design, Road safety
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-TRANSRS-E
Pages: 37
Publication year: 2005
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: July 15, 2005
Member price: $59.00
Regular price: $79.00