Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsGuidelines for the Application and Implementation of the School Bus Stop Ahead (WC-9) Sign (2009)

Guidelines for the Application and Implementation of the School Bus Stop Ahead (WC-9) Sign (2009)

Guidelines for Application and Implementation of the School Bus Stop Ahead (WC-9) Sign consolidates the best available information to develop national guidelines for the application and installation of warning devices in advance of school bus stops. In particular, guidelines are presented for the MUTCDC approved WC-9 sign.

Section A3.7.5 of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC) introduces the School Bus Stop Ahead Sign (WC-9). This sign is meant to warn drivers that they are approaching a school bus stop when the sight distance to the bus stop is limited to less than the minimum stopping sight distance.

Other signs also exist that provide regulatory information or warning regarding school bus operations. However, no specific guidelines have been developed regarding their application and implementation. Various jurisdictions have developed their own practices, which has led to a lack of consistency in application and implementation across Canada. Due to the sensitive nature of school bus transportation, the signs have become overused in some jurisdictions, and the removal of unnecessary warning signs has been a challenge.


Topic:Traffic operations and management
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-SCHOOLBUS
Pages: 40
Publication year: 2009
Media type: pdf
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: November 15, 2009
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00