What’s HappeningNewsWhat’s new with TAC’s Mobility Council

What’s new with TAC’s Mobility Council

November 21, 2023

This is one of several articles profiling the in-person Fall Technical Meetings of TAC’s six councils and their committees that took place over September 22-24, 2023.

TAC’s Mobility Council welcomed 26 attendees to its fall meeting.

Guest presentations

The Council received a presentation from Cecile Lecoq from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on its Green Municipal Fund. She detailed the $1.5-billion fund’s areas of core focus and gave examples of how it can support more resilient and sustainable transportation systems.

The Council also heard from Jennifer Armstrong of the City of Ottawa, who explored the evolution of transportation planning in Ottawa and detailed how the adoption of several forward-thinking strategies laid the foundation for the city’s current infrastructure.

Focus issue discussions and roundtable

The Council discussed three focus issues: integrated land use and transportation planning, overcoming infrastructure delivery challenges, and closing the gap between vision and reality. It also had roundtable updates where attendees summarized their high-level issues, successes, and industry observations.

Committee updates

The Mobility Council received updates from its four committees.

The Active Transportation Integrated Committee meeting attracted 35 attendees. The committee discussed its integrated role, current activities by priority topic, and ideas for future projects and lunch-and-learn presentations. Emmet Proulx from the City of Ottawa showcased the city’s active Transportation infrastructure in a presentation detailing a wide range of geometric configurations and structures.

The Mobility Management Committee meeting involved 20 participants who discussed imminent and future conference sessions, as well as potential volunteer projects. The committee heard a presentation from Lindsay Wiginton (Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors) on electric vehicle charging infrastructure considerations for municipalities, followed by a significant discussion of electric vehicle charging and the next generation of transportation demand management strategies.

The Transportation Finance Committee meeting attracted five participants. The committee discussed current and future conference sessions and pooled-fund projects and heard two presentations. Krista Tanaka presented the City of Ottawa’s Road Safety Reserve Fund, and Jacquelyn Hayward spoke about the City of Toronto’s involvement in a project on the future of transportation finance in Ontario. The committee is actively seeking new volunteers.

The Transportation Planning Committee meeting attracted 25 participants. The committee discussed the activities of its working groups, current and future conference sessions, and ideas for upcoming lunch-and-learn presentations. Attendees also heard a presentation from Ahsan Habib (Dalhousie University) on a new generation of activity-based travel demand models.

Mobility Council Executive

The Council’s new Executive includes:

  • Chair – David MacIsaac (Halifax Regional Municipality)
  • Vice-Chair – Elizabeth Pugh (Nova Scotia Public Works)
  • Chair, Active Transportation Integrated Committee – Matt Pinder (WSP)
  • Chair, Mobility Management – Justin Bak (City of Toronto)
  • Chair, Transportation Finance Committee – Jacquelyn Hayward (City of Toronto)
  • Chair, Transportation Planning – Chris Tam (City of Vaughan)
  • Past Chair – Brian Hollingworth (City of Hamilton)
  • Board Liaison – Michael Thompson (City of Calgary)

Contact Romaine Morrison for more information on the Mobility Council and its committees.