What’s HappeningNewsHighlights from the 2024 Fall Technical Meetings

Highlights from the 2024 Fall Technical Meetings

January 30, 2025

TAC’s councils and committees gather twice a year during the Spring Technical Meetings and Fall Technical Meetings. These events are essential to TAC’s success, and bring together employees from TAC member organizations, individual TAC members and invited guests.

The 2024 Fall Technical Meetings were held over three days in September, just before TAC’s Conference & Exhibition in Vancouver, BC. After a full year of online meetings, our volunteers were excited to gather again under one roof – agendas were packed, discussions went long, and much was accomplished. Almost 500 unique individuals joined 31 different meetings, with a total of 1,123 meeting participants – a 28% increase over the 2023 fall meetings in Ottawa.

The most popular meetings were those held by the Pavements Committee and Soils & Materials Committee (70 attendees in a joint meeting), Traffic Operations & Management Committee (68 attendees), Road Safety Committee (60 attendees) and Active Transportation Integrated Committee (60 attendees). Several meetings saw remarkable growth in attendance compared to 2023, including the Transportation Finance Committee (240% increase), Asset Management Committee (130% increase) and Digital Applications Committee (90% increase).

Read on for more highlights from the fall meetings and click the links to learn more about innovation and collaboration in Canada’s transportation sector.

TAC’s Environment & Climate Change Council hosted 35 participants, who heard presentations on topics such as acid rock drainage remediation and wildlife-vehicle collision mitigation. Read the full article →

TAC’s Infrastructure & Asset Management Council held its meeting with 50 attendees. Highlights included presentations on wildfire readiness and response in British Columbia and a TAC project addressing bridge surfacing with asphalt mixtures. Read the full article →

TAC’s Mobility Council welcomed 33 attendees. Participants learned about new urban bikeway design guidance from the United States, approved a new pooled-fund project on active transportation facilities at interchanges, and approved a final project report on shared micromobility services. Read the full article →

TAC’s Safety, Design & Operations Council welcomed 45 attendees. The meeting featured presentations on strategic investment fund pilots, resiliency and criticality mapping, and public space planning and implementation. Read the full article →

TAC’s Technology Council attracted 33 attendees, who heard presentations on traffic data to support decision making and the future of drones and advanced air mobility. Read the full article →

TAC’s Workforce Development Council welcomed 23 participants. The meeting included presentations on the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) and ITE’s PreK-12 STEM outreach activities. Read the full article →

Join TAC’s 2025 Spring Technical Meetings

Our 2025 Spring Technical Meetings will take place online between March 31 and May 2. See TAC’s Events Calendar for more information.