The City of Calgary developed traffic calming curbs (TC Curbs) as a quick, low-cost way to calm traffic. While conventional traffic calming approaches can be costly and take months to construct, modular TC Curbs are made from pre‐cast concrete and can be installed in hours at about one-tenth the expense without impacting utilities or drainage.
This webinar provided more detail on TC Curbs and their effectiveness in Calgary. This program received TAC’s Road Safety Engineering Award in 2019.

Tony Churchill, City of Calgary
Tony is a professional engineer who has focused his career on road safety. He obtained a civil engineering technical diploma from SAIT Polytechnic before attending the University of Calgary, where he completed B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in civil engineering with a focus on road safety. He joined the City of Calgary in 2013 where he is the Leader of Traffic Safety, responsible for coordinating the multi-disciplinary approach outlined in the Calgary Safer Mobility Plan. He is involved in TAC’s Road Safety Committee and is a board member of CARSP.
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