Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsPhase 1 of the Framework for High Quality Data Collection of Urban Goods Movement in Canada (2007)

Phase 1 of the Framework for High Quality Data Collection of Urban Goods Movement in Canada (2007)

This project was conducted to develop an understanding of the types of data that are needed to address urban goods movement issues as they relate to land use planning, infrastructure planning, traffic safety and operations, demand management and sustainable transportation.

Disponible en français : Cadre de collecte de donnés de qualité supérieure sur le transport urbain des marchandises au Canada : Phase 1 (2007)


Topic:Transportation planning
Focus Area:Mobility
Publication code: RPT-1FHQDC-E
Pages: 209
Publication year: 2007
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Report
Publication date: November 29, 2007
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00