Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsRecommended Practices for Posting Ramp Speeds (2011)

Recommended Practices for Posting Ramp Speeds (2011)

The purpose of this publication is to outline recommended practices for ramp speed signing in a useful and widely accepted form for Canadian practitioners. It has been primarily developed as a reference document for traffic engineering professionals responsible for selecting and implementing traffic control devices for managing speeds on ramps.

Accurate, up-to-date and full coverage of issues relating to ramp speed signing in Canada is provided. The recommended practices have largely been created according to accepted human factors principles defined by wide-spread use of guidelines across a variety of Canadian jurisdictions. When possible, the documented practices provide quantitative guidance for the use and placement of ramp speed signs and associated devices.

The document also proposes an amended version of a ramp advisory speed limit sign contained in TAC’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC). The importance of standards, uniformity and consistency is emphasized throughout the publication. However, these tenets of road safety engineering should not be used in place of sound engineering judgement.

Disponible en français : Pratiques recommandées pour la signalisation des limites de vitesse dans les bretelles (2011)


Topic:Road safety, Traffic operations and management
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-RAMPSPEED-E
Pages: 38
Publication year: 2011
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: Synthesis of Practices
Publication date: March 15, 2011
Member price: $59.00
Regular price: $79.00