These guidelines provide a compendium of best practices for the development, planning, design, construction management, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation facilities in regions of northern Canada with permafrost terrain.
Divided into nine chapters, the publication focuses on the context and challenges of Northern Canada, route investigation in permafrost regions, embankment and pavement materials, engineering considerations, and drainage and erosion control. It also includes a glossary of permafrost terms.
The guidelines are intended as a general reference for senior management to gain an understanding of the challenges of developing and managing transportation infrastructure in permafrost regions. This practical, easy-to-read guide will help those directly involved in any aspect of the life cycle of infrastructure in northern Canada, as well as project managers, planning / design engineers and maintenance personnel to conduct their day-to-day work.
Disponible en français : Lignes directrices de développement et de gestion des infrastructures de transport dans les régions de pergélisol (2010)