Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsNational Guide to Erosion and Sediment Control on Roadways Projects (2005)

National Guide to Erosion and Sediment Control on Roadways Projects (2005)

The National Guide to Erosion and Sediment Control on Roadway Projects is a “must have” publication for road agency personnel, consultants, contractors and regulators. It identifies tools and steps to design and implement erosion and sediment control plans for road system planning, construction and maintenance, in both the urban and rural context.

The publication provides guidance in terms of defining risk and level of effort, selecting methodologies for analysis and design, choosing mitigation measures, and meeting legislation and regulatory requirements. It also highlights regional differences in soil, vegetation and climate conditions that must be taken into account when creating a control plan.

The Guide contains both a theory section covering legislation, physical processes and risk assessment, and an applied section addressing factors such site assessment and selection of best practices.

Disponible en français : Guide national du contrôle de l’érosion et de la sédimentation associées aux projets routiers (2005)


Topic:Construction, Environmental issues
Focus Area:Environment and Climate Change
Publication code: PTM-EROSION-E
Pages: 122
Publication year: 2005
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: May 31, 2005
Member price: $79.00
Regular price: $99.00