Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsGuidelines for the Application and Display of Transit Signals (2011)

Guidelines for the Application and Display of Transit Signals (2011)

Guidelines for the Application and Display of Transit Signals will help practitioners in Canadian jurisdictions identify the changes needed in applicable legislation and policies in order to implement transit signal displays, and prepare intersection designs and operations on transit routes.

These guidelines were prepared in response to the increased interest in public transit systems as a reliable form of transportation. Over the past few years, transit priority measures have been implemented to improve sustainable transportation and surface transit systems. Some of these measures require the use of transit signal displays, which can provide the right-of-way for public transit vehicles. To help address the application and display of transit signals and to achieve consistency, various displays for transit throughout Canada were consolidated to nationwide implementation.

Disponible en français : Lignes directrices d’application et d’affichage des signaux lumineux pour le transport en commun (2011)


Topic:Traffic operations and management
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-DISPLAY-E
Pages: 52
Publication year: 2011
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: January 12, 2011
Member price: $79.00
Regular price: $119.00