Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsAdvance Warning Flashers: Guidelines for Application and Installation (2005)

Advance Warning Flashers: Guidelines for Application and Installation (2005)

Until this guide was released, no set practice or uniform guide for the application and implementation of Advanced Warning Flashers (AWFs) existed in Canada. As a result, there was a wide range of practice in the use of AWFs across the country. TAC was interested in consolidating the best available knowledge and developing a national guideline for the application and installation of AWFs.

This document (plus six appendices) provides the following information:

  • A review, evaluation and summary of literature;
  • A determination of the advantages and disadvantages of AWFs;
  • A review of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC) and application and installation examples of AWFs in Canada;
  • A review of current North American practices regarding AWF warrants and guidelines;
  • The development of a national guide for applying and installing AWFs across Canada; and
  • An identification of research gaps and the development of a suggested research plan.

It also offers the following installation guidelines at locations meriting an AWF:

  • Location Relative to Stop Line;
  • Timing Relative to Start of Intergreen Phase;
  • Size and Content of the Traffic Sign and,
  • Placement Relative to Number of Lanes.

Users should note, however, that the report focuses on dynamic systems interconnected to traffic signal operations and does not include continuously flashing signs or beacons.


Topic:Road safety, Traffic operations and management
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-AWF-E
Pages: 99
Publication year: 2005
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: October 28, 2005
Member price: $69.00
Regular price: $99.00