Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsActive Transportation – Making it Work in Canadian Communities (2010)

Active Transportation – Making it Work in Canadian Communities (2010)

With growing concern over issues such as climate change and public health, addressing the active transportation needs in Canadian communities is of high importance. In a survey of TAC member municipalities, respondents enthusiastically identified many upcoming initiatives and works-in-progress. This report is an attempt to uncover relatively undocumented success stories that are developing throughout Canada to assist local, regional, provincial and federal Canadian governments in understanding the critical factors for successful implementation of active transportation strategies.

The report is an exploration of experiences based on interviews and focus group discussions with practitioners in the field, as well as the survey of TAC member municipalities. Drawing on this extensive material, the study team articulated 11 principles for consideration by those working to improve active transportation in Canadian cities.

Disponible en français : Le transport actif : pour une implantation fructueuse dans les collectivités canadiennes (2010)


Topic:Active transportation
Focus Area:Mobility
Publication code: PTM-ACTIVE
Publication year: 2010
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Report
Publication date: November 15, 2010
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00