On April 8 2012, Winnipeg’s first rapid transit facility opened for service. Constructed during 2009-2011, this initial stage of the Southwest Transitway includes a 3.6 km grade-separated busway, three highly-developed stations, a tunnel beneath the CN main line, a bridge over a major arterial roadway, and active transportation facilities. The newest buses in the fleet operate a network of 13 rapid transit routes over the transitway, offering one-seat trips for most passengers travelling between downtown and the growing southwest quadrant of the city. The rapid transit routes use the transitway in combination with other transit priority measures and real-time passenger information systems to provide service that is fast, reliable, comfortable, and convenient. Project funding approval in 2008 included a commitment to complete construction of this $138 million project by the end of 2011. With preliminary design only partially completed at the time of funding approval, a condensed schedule for final design and construction was developed. To achieve the construction target, the following major elements of the project were tendered separately: x 3.6 km of transitway runningway. x 2.5 km of land drainage sewer. x A 350 m transitway tunnel underpass of seven CN tracks. x A land drainage pump station for the tunnel underpass. x A100 m overpass of a major arterial road. x Three new transitway stations. x Overall project signage, streetscaping, aesthetics and landscaping. The technical paper discusses how the challenging features of site, location, and construction conditions influenced implementation strategy, and how a unique mix of design ingenuity, technology, and equipment were used to successfully complete the project faster, and safer.