The Urban Transportation Showcase Program (UTSP) was created by Transport Canada in 2001 to test the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of integrated urban passenger transportation projects. Eight demonstration projects (in Whitehorse, Metropolitan Vancouver, Winnipeg, Region of Waterloo, Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton, Gatineau and Montreal, Quebec City, and Halifax Regional Municipality) testing about 35 distinct measures were implemented. Measures included bus rapid transit facilities, transit oriented development, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Active Transportation facilities, and transportation demand management measures. All of the projects implemented a suite of integrated measures in partnership with a range of governmental, private sector and nonprofit partners. Each of the projects incorporated comprehensive results measurement regimes and they reported regularly to Transport Canada, each other and to the broader stakeholder community regarding their experience and the results of the demonstrations. This paper describes some key results of the showcases and the program generally. The paper includes information on: the context for GHG reduction in the transportation sector; project emission reduction results; other project benefits; and, lessons learned from project officials and partners. The paper documents results reported to March 2009. A final program report that captures all project results will be published in 2010.