The Transportation Association of Canada Centennial Celebration in 2014 includes a Monograph
on the Evolution and Legacy of Transportation Education in Canada. Based on the Monograph
the underlying theme of this paper is that transportation education and training is a vital element
to creating a base of knowledge and human resource assets.
Transportation education at the University level began even before the advent of the 20th
Century, involving primarily railway and surveying. Over the ensuing decades influence of the
modes was a factor in highway engineering becoming the core undergraduate course by 1945
after World War II. However, on-the-job training has also, continued to be a vital element.
An era by era progression of education and training, from the formation of the Canadian Good
Roads Association in 1914 to the mid 2010’s is described in the paper.
Also described are the impacts of the TAC Guides and Manuals, the Scholarship Program and
the TAC Foundation, as well as the continuing role of the Education and Human Resources
Development Council.
A special feature is a tribute to the “Titans” of transportation education and research.
Future prospects for transportation education and training are explored in the paper, including
building on the legacy, the need for innovations, influence of the modes and future delivery