In 2003, exp was retained by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation (NBDOT) to complete a noise study along a 1.3 km section of the Vanier Highway located within the City of Fredericton. This four-lane access controlled section of highway with a posted speed limit between 90 and 100 km/h is adjacent to a residential area and accommodates 26,100 vehicles daily. With increasing complaints from residents adjacent to the highway, the Department wanted noise levels identified, along with possible mitigative measures to reduce the noise levels. Utilizing 13 noise sensitive areas (NSAs) that had been identified in a previous study, along with ambient noise levels at these NSAs, a noise model was developed that predicted the ambient noise levels. This model reflected the US Federal Highway Level 2 Noise Prediction Method which has been accepted by the NBDOT in their Highway Noise Policy. Based on the predicted ambient noise levels, the noise model was then utilized to identify the effectiveness of different noise barrier heights. A height was selected and the noise barrier constructed. Prior to construction in 2010, existing ambient noise readings at the 13 NSAs were taken. Readings were then taken following construction in 2011 to measure the effectiveness of the noise barrier in reducing noise levels. This paper describes the process that was used to define existing noise levels, the height of noise barrier to be constructed, the effectiveness of the noise barrier once construction was completed, and the associated cost.