COMPASS is a freeway traffic management system implemented by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO). Through prompt detection and management of freeway incidents and the provision of accurate and timely traffic information to motorists and the public at large, it improves safety, optimizes capacity and delivers a better level of service to motorists on Ontario’s major highways. The first generation of the COMPASS software was deployed in 1990. It has far exceeded its designed life and had undergone numerous functional enhancements and systems expansions. As a preliminary step towards the development of the Next Generation COMPASS Software (NGCS), the need for Systems Architecture was identified that provides the framework in implementing the NGCS. Through this exercise, we reviewed and identified functions that will continue to be supported, the lessons learned from years of operational experience, application of the latest software technologies that are end-user friendly and reduce development and maintenance costs. The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) standards were also examined and we identified the applicable user services that will be adopted and formulated strategic plans for implementation that minimize downtime of the existing operational system. The NGCS will be gradually developed over time as the data and technologies required become available. The functional requirements therefore have also been grouped under different deployment terms (namely, short, medium and long term) based on their readiness and user requirements.