Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersSaskatoon BRT – A Catalyst for City Building

Saskatoon BRT – A Catalyst for City Building


An economic and cultural hub in Saskatchewan, Saskatoon has become one of the most attractive places in Canada to live. In the next 25 to 40 years, Saskatoon’s population is expected to double, from 250,000 to 500,000. Based on comprehensive visioning (Saskatoon Speaks), analysis, and planning (Strategic Plan 2013-2023 and Growth Plan to Half a Million), the City recognizes that accommodating growth using a business-as-usual approach would be problematic if not unsustainable.
In order to enhance the quality of life and increase economic activity in Saskatoon, the Growth Plan identifies three interrelated strategies: corridor growth, transit and core bridges. Under the transit strategy, bus rapid transit (BRT) forms the backbone of a multi-modal transportation system supporting the movement of people along major corridors, to key destinations and development nodes.
Work related to the planning and design of the BRT is underway. The BRT concept, configuration, and preliminary design offers solutions that meets the needs of the Saskatoon transit market, Growth Plan objectives, scale of the community, and available funding. The implementation of the BRT will improve transit frequency, reliability, and customer experience, serving existing customers better and attracting new riders. BRT is also a catalyst for city building. BRT is the mobility backbone of several land use intensification initiatives including: Corridor Plans for 22nd Street, College Drive, 8th Street, Preston Avenue and three mixed use Transit Villages at established commercial nodes adjacent to the future BRT lines.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Best Practices in Urban Transportation Planning
Schulz, C.
Hubbell, J.
Transportation planning