A road/tire noise emission assessment has been performed in Saskatchewan with the Close Proximity Method (CPX), a method based on test tire rolling on a road with microphones located close to the tire surface. In CPX road tests, the average Aweighted sound pressure levels emitted by one specified reference tire are measured with the vehicle speed over a specified road distance. The data are collected by microphones located close to the tires. In order to understand the acoustic characteristics of the newly paved Asphalt Rubber Concrete (ARC) pavement, a special test vehicle was built. Two uniquely different reference tires have been selected in order to represent the tire/road characteristics studied. The road/tire emission noise analysis was performed on 12 different surface types of a highway in Saskatchewan, Canada using the CPX test. This research aims to determine the noise characteristics of the road surface at selected sites, predict the road/tire emission noise and acoustic properties of different road surface materials, evaluate compliance with noise specifications of the specific surface materials, estimate the state of maintenance, damage or clogging and the effect of cleaning on porous surfaces.