Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersReview of Milled Rumble Strips on Alberta Roads

Review of Milled Rumble Strips on Alberta Roads


A reduction in collision numbers coupled with relatively low cost of installation makes rumble strips an effective safety measure to prevent run-off-road and left-of-center collisions, and is considered highly cost effective based on the overall benefits to society that accrue over the life span of rumble strips. A study on design and construction of milled rumble strip practices was undertaken with the objective of fine tuning Alberta Transportation’s (AT) practices, specifically design and construction of rumble strips to accommodate cyclists on Alberta roads. The study also analysed best practices on installing patterned (intermittent) rumble strips on shoulders of the sections of roads with high volumes of bicycles.
The primary objectives of this review included:
1. A review of the cost effectiveness of milled rumble strips on shoulders and centerline by using the most recent collision data for Alberta. The most recent collision data available by the time of this study is up to the year 2012.
2. An analysis of best practices of installing patterned (intermittent) rumble strips on shoulders of the sections of roads with high volumes of bicycles.
3. A general review of the Department’s practices with the intent of enhancing or fine tuning where possible with the purpose of improving design and construction practices of milled rumble strips.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
New Research and Developments in Road Safety
Soltykevych, T.
Ahmad, M.
Kenny, B.
Road safety