Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersPractitioner’s Guide to Planning, Designing, and Implementing Bicycle Highways in North America

Practitioner’s Guide to Planning, Designing, and Implementing Bicycle Highways in North America


North American cities need excellent bicycle infrastructure between regional destinations to
allow residents to cycle long distances. Planners must make long distance bicycle travel
feasible if they are serious about treating cycling as a form of mass transportation (Transport for
London, 2014).
Bicycle highways are high quality bicycle routes that connect major destinations and are
designed for safe and comfortable long-distance travel. They facilitate comfortable and safe
long distance travel. Preliminary research has shown that they are effective in increasing
ridership and attracting users from other modes such as cars or transit.
The purpose of this review is to offer guidance on how practitioners can plan, design, and
implement bicycle highways as part of a bikeway network. The study draws upon literature and
design guidance and seven case studies that are emerging in Europe and Asia. Through this
review we propose a definition for bicycle highways, differentiate them from other bikeway
facilities, present research on their effects, and characterize their planning, design, and
implementation. We conclude this papers with seven policy takeaways for North American

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Cycling Solutions: Improving Cycling Infrastructure
Taciuk, A.
Davidson, G.
Active transportation, Mobility management