The Big Move is Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). This plan is the third element in the Province of Ontario’s three part approach to environmental, social and economic sustainability in the region, with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Greenbelt Plan dealing primarily with land use issues. Essential to the success of the Province’s strategy is the efficient coordination of land use and transportation planning and the seamless integration of the different elements of the regional transportation system. The 51 Mobility Hubs across the GTHA are places where local and regional rapid transit services come together in areas planned to accommodate high densities of people and jobs in mixed use environments. As the key nodes of integration in the regional transportation system, Mobility Hubs need to be carefully planned with consideration for complex transit operations, diverse stakeholder interests, short term as well as long term needs, and a number of geographic scales – from the station to the neighbourhood and the transportation network. This paper discusses the Mobility Hub concept and compares it to the recent experience in planning for the future of the Kipling Interregional Station, the first Mobility Hub plan in the GTHA. Lessons are drawn for future Mobility Hub planning in the region and for similar efforts in other jurisdictions.