Safety and traffic operational benefits of roundabouts for the typical vehicle fleet of automobiles and small trucks have been well documented. Roundabouts can offer several advantages over signalized and stop-controlled intersections. However, the potential growth of roundabouts with all their benefits may be greatly diminished if they cannot accommodate oversize/overweight vehicles (OSOW). OSOWs are a reality for industry and critical for certain industries and states’ economies. Industry must rely on state highways to move OSOW loads. The main objective of this paper are to point out key aspects of current practice and research by various states and countries related to the effect that accommodating OSOW have on roundabout location, design. A literature review uncovered no published reports on OSOW accommodation per se; however, information on the advantages of having designated truck and OSOW networks is discussed. The authors make an argument that states should conduct a study to develop a freight network, including OSOW segments which need to be accommodated in accordance with state and federal commerce laws and policies and the state’s economy. The authors relied primarily on surveys, personal contacts, unpublished material and case studies. Survey results are summarized. Examples of accommodating OSOW in general, and various turning movements, found in the literature and personal contacts are provided as examples of ideas and concepts that could be considered, and possibly adapted to the needs of a specific site. The paper will present a summary of the key aspects of the study and present findings and conclusions.