The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) released #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy (Strategy) in 2013. The Strategy provides a 20 year vision to encourage the growth of cycling and improve the safety of people who cycle in Ontario. The Strategy establishes ambitions aspirational goals and commits MTO to develop a series of detailed Action Plans and associated performance metrics that will contribute to achieving the goals. A summary of the Strategy can be found in Appendix A and the complete Strategy can be viewed at
In 2014 MTO released #CycleON Action Plan 1.0 (Action Plan), the first multi-year plan for delivering the Strategy. The Action Plan, which is attached as Appendix B, includes 34 initiatives which are all underway and a couple that have already been delivered. While MTO is the #CycleON lead, it is working in partnership with other ministries, municipalities, cycling stakeholder organizations and the public. In fact, many of the commitments in the Action Plan are being delivered by other ministries and agencies of the provincial government.