Historically, cement concrete pavements built in Québec have not always performed satisfactorily. This was mainly linked to the following factors: use of slabs not always suited to our climate, poor design and construction practices, an increase in traffic volume and load, as well as, a decrease in funds allocated to maintenance. Since the early 1990s, pavement design specifications have been the object of a major turnabout at the Québec Transport Ministry (MTQ). Major strides were made in the last 10 years in terms of cement concrete pavement since jointed concrete pavements (JPCP) were adopted as standards and players from both MTQ and firms specialized in this area have become more aware of this topic. To further optimize our work methods, in keeping with the funds allocated for the maintenance and rehabilitation of cement concrete pavements, a new pavement type is being considered: the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). The following article shall present the advantages and features specific to CRCP, from design to construction. Two test projects were conducted since 2000 on highways under the aegis of MTQ. The characteristics of these two projects, as well as, pavement performance since opening to traffic shall be presented.