In December of 2009 the BC Provincial government put into place a BC Climate Adaptation Strategy. The Strategy calls on ministries to consider climate impacts, where relevant, in service and business plans, projects, legislation, regulations, and approvals. The goal of the Strategy is that B.C. be prepared for unavoidable climate change and its impacts. Many of these potential climate impacts are directly relevant to government business.
In accordance with the BC Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure considers potential climate change and impacts, in planning, projects, policies, legislation, regulations and approvals. Ministry areas affected include: Operational Programs (Transit, Cycling, Avalanche), Engineering Programs (design standards and guidelines), and Maintenance Programs (considerations based on climate predictions).
In response to potential climate issues, the Ministry of Transportation, Chief Engineer’s Office, is
engaged in case studies to examine climate risk to BC transportation infrastructure and what engineering adaptation is required for a 50 to100 year planning horizon. The Ministry is engaged with other national, provincial and academic organizations in developing experience and expertise in this field. To date our partners include: Engineers Canada (Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee – PIEVC), the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) at the University of Victoria, and the BC Ministry of Environment.
Climate risk case studies have been completed for sections of the Coquihalla Highway 5 and Yellowhead Highway 16 in BC using the Climate Change Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment Protocol (PIEVC). The results from examining forecast climate and infrastructure interactions including findings and recommendations and any required remedial action will be addressed. These studies assist the Ministry in planning for potential climate change.
The results from these studies of the Coquihalla and Yellowhead Highways will provide background
guidance in reviewing design standards for highway infrastructure in British Columbia.