Road agencies worldwide are faced with unprecedented challenges with regards to managing diverse and aging road infrastructure assets. Given the modern day challenges of structurally upgrading in-service road infrastructure assets in diverse field state conditions, there is a need for a more fundamentals-based road design methodology with the ability to incorporate new innovative materials, road structure systems, and field state conditions directly into the design process. This project demonstrated the use of computational engineering mechanics for structural road modeling to provide a reliable pavement design process and validation for City of Saskatoon field state conditions. The mechanistic analysis method employed in this study modeled peak surface deflection under critical state load spectra conditions. The structural road modeling framework was found to concur with non-destructive structural measurements of conventional pavement structures and recycled pavement field test sections. The structural road modeling framework provides a method to measure the in-field performance of various road structures in field state conditions, in addition to verifying pavement structure design.