Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersCharacterizing Field and Laboratory Performance of Cementitious Partial Depth Repair Materials

Characterizing Field and Laboratory Performance of Cementitious Partial Depth Repair Materials


Partial depth repair (PDR) is an essential preventative maintenance treatment for concrete pavements. PDR process typically replaces spalled or deteriorated concrete when the damage does not extend beyond the top one-third of the slab and has not affected load transfer between slabs. PDR is a cost-effective preventative maintenance treatment when compared to traditional full depth repair but must be carried out during the proper time window. The repair material typically is a rapid setting cementitious concrete, polymer-based concrete or bituminous material. The repair material must be suitable for environmental and load conditions, provide adequate bond to existing concrete and if required, allow faster opening to traffic. PDR operations are generally labour and time intensive, thus high costs are associated with the procedure. This paper reports on a project to compare laboratory and field performance of several rapid setting cementitious concrete PDR materials and to establish selection criteria for materials and processes. A test section was selected on a major arterial in the City of Winnipeg in Manitoba to compare six candidate materials under the same environmental conditions and similar traffic loading. The field repairs were completed during the summer in 2010. Pre- and post installation condition surveys were conducted at the repair sites and the field evaluation will continue for the next two years. Laboratory tests were conducted at the University of Manitoba and include evaluation of thermal compatibility and the impact of freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycling on bond strength between repair materials and regular concrete. Results of laboratory and field evaluation will be used to develop performance-based selection criteria for PDR materials. The selection criteria will provide a cost-effective accelerated alternative to full-scale field studies, and provide a timely response to progressive market changes and the availability of new products.  

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Haithem Soliman
Jean-Luc Lambert
Ahmed Shalaby
Tara Liske
Said Kass
Lester Deane
Construction, Maintenance and operations