Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersAutomation of Commercial Vehicle Compliance Systems in Western Canada

Automation of Commercial Vehicle Compliance Systems in Western Canada


Commercial vehicle transportation in Canada is a significant industry, both in terms of its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and in its contribution to the overall economy. In 2005 the trucking industry (including for-hire carriers, private carriers, owner-operators and courier firms) generated an estimated $67 billion in revenues in Canada. Trucking is the most significant transportation method for trade with the United States, accounting for 61 per cent of trade in terms of value. Exports shipped by trucks from Canada totaled $185.8 billion. In terms of employment, the trucking industry as a whole employed 356,124 people in 2005. Given the significance of the trucking industry, it is important to have an efficient, safe and well managed system, including proper inspection, monitoring, and control. This paper will describe innovations in British Columbia and Alberta to facilitate necessary inspection and monitoring of commercial vehicle activity, while maintaining an efficient transportation system. The British Columbia Green Light Transponder Corridor is a 5 station commercial vehicle bypass system set up on the Trans-Canada Highway from Port Mann in Vancouver to Golden at the border with Alberta. This transponder based system is designed to bypass compliant commercial vehicles for a 12 hour period so cross-Province long-haul trucks do not need to be rechecked at all 4 subsequent stations, saving time and resources for the drivers and station operators. A database is maintained by the Province for carrier credentials validation. Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) Readers are used at all 5 stations to identify participating trucks and Weigh-in-Motion technology is employed at eastbound and westbound corridor entry points to ensure weight compliance. In Alberta, the Commercial Vehicle Pre-clearance System is also a transponder based bypass system deployed at 12 weigh station facilities across the Province. Partners in Compliance (PIC) carriers with excellent safety and inspection records are able to bypass at any of the 12 stations (16 AVI systems). International Road Dynamics, Inc., designed and built each system and is responsible for the development, hosting, maintenance and operating of the PIC transponder database. Random inspections are conducted to ensure safety compliance and future upgrades to use Weigh-in-Motion Technology were taken into account for each site design. 

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Vince Wu
Rob Bushman
Yang Pang
Road safety