Newfoundland and Labrador is a large province with many of its residents residing in small, isolated communities originally established along the extensive coastline. The Department of Transportation and Works (DTW) undertakes infrastructure initiatives connecting these remote towns to the Trans Canada Highway (TCH) encouraging freedom of travel and economic growth. As part of the extension of the TCH in Labrador, DTW is building the Trans Labrador Highway (TLH). This road will be developed in pristine, wild environments and crosses many brooks, streams, and rivers. In 2005, DTW constructed a 30 meter steel girder bridge across South Feeder River, a tributary of the Paradise River, in Labrador. The project included an infill section. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) decided that a Harmful Alteration, Disruption, or Distruction (HADD) occurred which was based upon the loss of 7.3 units (1unit = 100m.sq) of Type II riverine habitat due to this infilling. The DTW was required by DFO to sign a compensation agreement to replace the loss of fish habitat and to undertake a monitoring program. Subsequent to declaring a HADD, DFO proposed that the 7.3 units of Type II rearing habitat be replaced with like habitats. As Type II habitats are readily accessible and available within the section of river and Type I salmonid spawning habitats were very limited adjacent to the project site, a spawning bed was proposed. It was anticipated that adult Atlantic salmon and Brook Trout would utilize the newly constructed spawning bed and hence increase overall productivity in South Feeder River. Under the approval of DFO, the department built a large spawning bed to create Type I habitats and actually increase the biomass of salmonids in South Feeder River. As of 2007, this project has had three years of salmonid spawning utilization. The monitoring studies undertaken by DTW over three years show evidence of spawning activities on the constructed bed. Young of the Year (YOY) of both species were observed and qualified by Index Fishing on the spawning bed and secondary habitats between 2005 and 2007 indicating continuous utilization by adult salmonids. Invertebrate observations have also shown excellent species representation and colonization.