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Access Management Plan for the Trans-Canada Highway Between Winnipeg and Headingley


The management of development along major highways has always been a significant challenge for transportation professionals. The ability to successfully meet that challenge is usually linked to the degree of integration achieved between the transportation planning and land use planning process. For Manitoba, the integration of those two planning processes has traditionally been relatively weak because of the different provincial agencies and levels of government involved. Historically, Manitoba Transportation and Government Services (MTGS) has not had a formalized approach for the establishment of cooperative access management plans with local governments. The usual approach has been to undertake a functional design study to identify the future highway upgrading plans and associated long-range access requirements. During the development of the functional design, the local government would be consulted and upon its completion the local government would, by resolution, indicate their support of the plan. Unfortunately, it has often been the case that over time and with changes in the local government, new councils have not felt obliged to support resolutions of a previous councils and it then became difficult to protect for the future highway plans. This has particularly been the case where MTGS has failed to begin the acquisition of the necessary right-of-way due to the long-range nature of the upgrading plan. As a result, MTGS has often found itself at odds with local governments on development and access issues despite the existence of documented local support for the functional design plan. For the Trans-Canada Highway between Winnipeg and Headingley, MTGS decided to try a new approach that would effectively integrate the transportation and land use planning processes. It was hoped that this approach would be more effective in ensuring commitment to the highway management plan by the affected local government.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Christiansen, E
Geometric design