Library Services
TAC’s Library is a unique Canadian resource that links TAC members to global research and guidance on roads, highways, and urban transportation.
Find and access documents
Our Library catalogue offers 18,000 physical and electronic documents from Canadian governments, academia, associations, and businesses, as well as international sources, including the U.S. Transportation Research Board and the U.K. Transport Research Laboratory.
Everyone can download electronic documents with a click.
TAC members can borrow physical documents from TAC’s collection for free (note: publications sold by TAC can only be consulted in person) or request an inter-library loan (fees may apply).
Get better literature searches
Literature searches are available as a free service to TAC members. We can help you refine search terms and generate citations from specialized databases beyond Google’s reach.
Share your research with the world
Build global awareness of your surface transportation research by adding it to the international TRID database that clients and collaborators visit millions of times each year.
As TRID’s official Canadian contact, we routinely submit research by academics, government agencies, suppliers, consultants, and others.
Take a few minutes and tell us about your research projects – theo Ÿretical or applied, independent or collaborative, underway or complete.