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Best Practices for Pothole Repairs in Canada

Ce webinaire a été offert en anglais.

23 octobre 2019

The only way to keep potholes from coming back is to repair them effectively – but long-lasting fixes aren’t easy in Canada’s climate. To help road authorities tackle this challenge, TAC’s newly-released Best Practices for Pothole Repairs in Canada looks at current approaches to fixing potholes in Canada, and at effective techniques used by domestic and international agencies. It recommends strategies for temporary and long-term patching for spring, summer and winter, and discusses how to evaluate and select patching products for common road surfaces.

This webinar by David Hein, P.Eng., lead author of the new TAC guide, covered key topics including the primary causes of potholes, the role of pavement preservation and maintenance in preventing them, appropriate field and laboratory testing to evaluate the effectiveness of pothole repair materials, and techniques and best practices for pothole repairs.


  • Causes of potholes
  • Results of literature scan
  • Managing public and agency expectations
  • Overview of common materials for pothole repair
  • Overview of methods and equipment for pothole repair
  • Summary of best practices

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the origin and formation of potholes
  • Understand the role of pavement preservation and maintenance in pothole prevention
  • Understand the benefits and uses of different pothole repair materials and techniques
  • Understand laboratory and field testing to evaluate the effectiveness of pothole materials and techniques
  • Be aware of best practices for pothole repair and prevention

Target Audience

  • Practitioners responsible for pavement design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation
  • Owners of provincial, municipal and private road infrastructure
  • Pavement material suppliers and contractors


David Hein, Applied Research Associates Inc.

David Hein is a professional engineer with over 35 years of experience in the design, management and preservation of transportation infrastructure. He is actively involved with TAC as the past chair of the Pavements Standing Committee and long-term member of the Education and Human Resources Development Council. He is the past chair of the World Road Association Pavements Committee, and is involved with several Transportation Research Board and American Society of Civil Engineers standards committees. He is a regular contributor to engineering technical conferences worldwide and has completed webinar, workshop and formal training sessions for over 10,000 individuals over three decades.

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