Update of Security 101: A Physical and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation Agencies

Lundi, 20 Juillet, 2020 - 13:45

Since 2009, when NCHRP's last Security 101 report was released, there have been significant advances in transportation security approaches, including new strategies, programs, and ways of doing business that have increased the security of transportation systems as well as ensured their resiliency.

Hazards and threats to the system have also continued to evolve since 2009. While the incidence of large-scale terrorist attacks has remained small, transportation agencies are at increasingly greater risk from system-disrupting events due to natural causes, unintentional human intervention, and intentional criminal acts, such as active-shooter incidents. Cyber risks also are increasing and can impact not only data, but the control systems - like tunnel-ventilation systems - operated by transportation agencies.

The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 930: Update of Security 101: A Physical and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation Agencies provides valuable information about current and accepted practices associated with both physical and cyber security and its applicability to surface transportation.

The report is accompanied by a PowerPoint for the project and NCHRP Web-Only Document 266: Developing a Physical and Cyber Security Primer for Transportation Agencies.


This report can be ordered or downloaded from the Transportation Research Board at https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25554


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