Testing of Innovative Pedestrian Safety Initiatives in the City of Toronto

The City of Toronto has been dealing with an increasing amount of concern about pedestrian safety. Over the years, a number of technologies have been suggested to remedy these concerns. In addition, new techniques and control methodologies have been considered and/or implemented in other jurisdictions to address pedestrian safety, some of which have proven to reduce pedestrian conflicts and collisions. As part of the broader “Pedestrian Safety Initiatives Program”, the City of Toronto is planning pilot installations for a number of these pedestrian safety initiatives. The objective of the pilot installations and associated analysis is to determine the effectiveness of these safety initiatives on City of Toronto roadways, which will permit the City to assess the relative merits of widespread deployment.


Stewart, R.

Titre de la séance

Innovations in Traffic Operations Safety


Comité permanent de la sécurité routière
Comité permanent des techniques et de la gestion de la circulation


Sécurité routière
Techniques et gestion circulation



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