TAC Releases Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming (Second Edition)

Jeudi, 1 Mars, 2018

The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has released Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming (Second Edition (2018) in its online Bookstore.

The document is priced at $169 for TAC members and $225 for non-members (order code PTM-TRAFCALM18-E) and is available in both print and e-book formats. A primer on Traffic Calming is available for free on TAC’s website.

The Guide was created through a partnership between TAC and the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE).

Luay Mustafa, Project Manager, says the Guide explains principles and suggests a process for introducing and implementing traffic calming. It also describes the applicability, effectiveness, and design principles for a wide range of traffic calming devices. The devices are categorized in terms of vertical deflection, horizontal deflection, roadway narrowing, surface treatment, pavement markings, access restriction, gateways, enforcement, education, shared space, and emerging technologies and measures.

The original Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming was published in 1998. This second edition reflects changes in road conditions, attitudes toward vulnerable road users, and available technologies, and valuable experience regarding the efficacy of options.

Changes and additions include:

  • Recognizing education and enforcement as valid, and/or preferred alternatives to physical measures;
  • Describing measures applicable to arterial roads and rural roads;
  • Adding traffic calming devices, some well-accepted and others not fully-proven but used with success and considered ready to be further tested and evaluated; and
  • Referencing performance outcomes where new information has become available since the first edition.

The Guide is a complete tool; each chapter has a specific and integrated intent and no chapter should be used independently from the rest of the Guide.

The Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming (Second Edition) was developed with funding provided by Alberta Transportation; British Columbia Transportation and Infrastructure; Nova Scotia Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal;  Prince Edward Island Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy; le ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports du Québec; CITE; Halifax Regional Municipality; and the cities of Burlington, Edmonton, Kelowna, Ottawa, London, Montreal and Saskatoon.


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