ITS Performance and Benchmarking

Jeudi, 28 Janvier, 2016 - 16:15

This report presents a consistent methodology to evaluate and report ITS asset performance from the road user perspective.

It reviews current ITS performance evaluation practices amongst Austroads and road agencies. VicRoads methodology was adopted and generalised, and a five-step framework was established to retrieve, analyse and report on asset performance.

User availability estimated from major alarms was used as the key performance indicator. Asset alarm data from SCATS signals, motorway electronic variable speed limit (EVSL) signs, and school zone electronic speed limit signs (ESLS) were collected from various Austroads jurisdictions to demonstrate the processes of the methodology.

The methodology could form the basis of a national process for Austroads jurisdictions to collect, analyse and report the performance of critical ITS assets consistently across all jurisdictions. Website registration is required to download the free report:


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