Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada, Sixth Edition: What’s New?

Ce webinaire à été offert en anglais.

TAC has just published its Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada, Sixth Edition (MUTCDC), an essential tool for professionals in traffic management and control. The MUTCDC guides road authorities across Canada in the consistent and harmonized use of road signs, traffic signals, pavement markings and other traffic control devices. This is the first complete revision to the Manual since 1998.

This webinar will give an overview of what’s inside the new MUTCDC, highlighting key changes from the Fifth Edition. The new Manual is 60 percent larger and includes: a major new section showing 89 typical applications that combine signs, signals and pavement markings; more than 30 new traffic control devices; a new section on dynamic message signs; revisions to several key operational recommendations; and a new index of signs by name and number.

Originally presented June 30, 2021.

Project background

  • The process for the Manual update
  • What is the MUTCDC and why it matters
  • MUTCDC Divisions: A general overview of reorganization and key changes
    • What is included?
    • Consolidation/expansion of sections
    • Revised section structure
  • What’s new?
    • New sections
    • New traffic control devices
    • Key technical changes
    • Indices
  • Device Comprehension Testing Software
  • Sign Pattern Manual

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about new inclusions and key changes to the contents of the Manual.


Hart Solomon, P.Eng., M.Eng. – Senior Transportation Engineer, CIMA Canada Inc.
Hart has been a licensed professional engineer since 1977, specializing in traffic engineering and operations, illumination and systems development. He led the City of Hamilton’s Traffic Engineering and Traffic Operations groups from 1985 to 2011, and has been an active member of TAC’s Traffic Operations & Management Committee and its predecessor committees for 35 years. Since joining CIMA Canada in 2011, Hart has managed traffic signal, illumination, automated enforcement and road safety projects. He has led the development of or contributed to a number of key manuals including the TAC/CITE Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming and several of the Ontario Traffic Manual series. Hart was the consultant lead on the development of TAC’s MUTCDC, Sixth Edition. Hart received TAC’s Distinguished Service Award in 2012.

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