TAC supports projects to prepare Canada for connected and automated vehicles

Monday, October 22, 2018

Canada’s progress on connected and automated vehicles (CV/AVs) was recently highlighted to an international audience through an article published in the Transportation Research Board’s TR News (September-October 2018).

Co-authored by Garreth Rempel, Ph.D., P.Eng., the Chair of TAC’s new Connected and Automated Vehicles Task Force, the nine-page article gives an overview of key Canadian initiatives being undertaken by all orders of government, associations including TAC, and academic institutions. It is essential reading for stakeholders wanting to quickly get up to speed on the state of CV/AV development, testing and implementation in Canada.

Terms of Reference for TAC’s new CAV Task Force were approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting in Saskatoon in October, and more information about the group will be posted soon. 


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