TAC and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation

Friday, March 21, 2014

As of July 1, 2014, new anti-spam regulations will come into effect in Canada regarding the distribution of commercial electronic messages (CEMs).

A CEM is any electronic message with any kind of commercial purpose, regardless of whether there is an expectation of profit. This includes not only the content of the message but also any content linked to the message.

As a national organization with the mandate to share information and act as a forum of information exchange, many of the messages sent out by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) are CEMs.  Therefore TAC will be making some minor adjustments to its communications to ensure that we comply with the new anti-spam legislation. 

This involves ensuring:

  1. Consent - TAC must have expressed or implied consent to send a message.
  2. Identification - TAC must clearly and simply identify itself as the sender of its messages.
  3. Unsubscribe Mechanism - recipients must be able to unsubscribe from receiving future messages using a link directly in each CEM. 

What does this mean for TAC?

If you are affiliated with a TAC member organization and want to continue receiving our communications (mainly emails) about TAC News articles, seminars, technical meetings and events, etc., you don’t need to do anything. TAC is assuming ‘implied consent’ for you, unless you unsubscribe prior to July 1, 2014.  If you want to only receive certain types of communications from TAC you can adjust your communication preferences using TAC Online.  

TAC non-members who have signed up to receive our communications may unsubscribe from receiving them at any time. Also, according to the new law, TAC can send CEMs to its customers, vendors, exhibitors or others with whom it has done business for up to two years after the last transaction assuming implied consent. 

If you have questions about TAC’s approach, please contact Erica Andersen at 613-736-1350 x235 or eandersen@tac-atc.ca.  Additional information about Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation is available at www.fightspam.gc.ca


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