Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming (Second Edition) Obtains TAC Approval

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Chief Engineers' Council of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has approved a second edition of the Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming for publication.

A notice will be posted on the website when the publication is available in the TAC Bookstore.

The document was developed as a collaborative effort between TAC and the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) under the auspices of TAC’s Traffic Operations and Management Standing Committee and CITE’s advisory committee. It will aim provide up-to-date information and guidance related to the planning, design, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic calming measures on local, collector and arterial roads in Canada.

The guide will help practitioners better understand the principles of traffic calming for both reactive operational retrofits and proactive approaches for new/reconstructed roadways, while providing guidance on processes, tools and techniques.

Approved by CITE’s Board of Directors, the guide will be published in both TAC’s and CITE’s name.

CIMA+ conducted the research work for this project, whose funding partners include Alberta Transportation; British Columbia Transportation and Infrastructure; Prince Edward Island Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy; le ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports du Québec; ; Halifax Regional Municipality and the cities of Burlington, Edmonton, Kelowna, London, Montreal, Ottawa and Saskatoon.


In 1998, TAC and CITE jointly published the Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is the broad term used to describe the process and measures applied by road authorities to address concerns about the behaviour of motor vehicle drivers travelling on streets within their jurisdictions. Typically the concerns relate to speed and/or shortcutting traffic habits. The objective and challenge for those implementing a traffic calming plan is to determine the best combination of measures that result in a net improvement, both real and perceived, the quality of life and community safety at a reasonable cost.


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